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All Posts Tagged: immune system

Astragalus: strength and longevity

Astragalus (latin name Astragalus membraneceus) also commonly known as Milk Vetch, is a plant native to Mongolia and northeast China and Tibet with remarkable properties and has been used by the Chinese as a tonic/adaptogen for more than 2000 years. The ancient understanding of Astragalus was that it strengthened the ‘Wei Chi” the defensive energy […]

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Uvula: the riddle in your mouth

What does your uvula do? The uvula is the little fleshy part that hangs down from the soft palate of your mouth, and one of its purposes is to stop food from going up your nose when you swallow. Just like a tiny, repulsive doggy door, it swings up and down, blocking the path to […]

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Mistletoe (in latin: Viscum album) grows in Europe, northwest Africa, and central Asia and Japan. It is called interchangeably Mistletoe or Viscum, or in other parts of the world Druid’s herb, Holy Wood or The Kissing Bush. Mistletoe is an evergreen displayed during the Christmas season and symbolic of the eventual rebirth of vegetation that […]

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Spirulina is a blue-green algae that nutritionists are calling the superfood of the future. It is an easily produced, non-toxic species of Arthrospira bacteria. You probably never thought you would be adding algae powder from tropical lakes to your smoothies, but spirulina is becoming quite the popular addition for many health-conscious eaters. Even though this […]

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Cordyceps: the killer fungus!

Cordyceps sinensis is a very interesting medicinal mushroom that has been used for medicinal purposes in Asia for centuries. It is used mainly to restore lost energy and vigor and to stimulate a fatigued immune system acting like a general tonic for the body. In addition to the English term “caterpillar fungus” there are other […]

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Immunotherapy in Cancer: a new concept?

Cancer. A dreadful word. People shrug in dislike when they hear it. For some it evokes the closeness of death and the fear of the great unknown. For others it is just a word that need to be fought against and conquered. Where did this word, by the way, cancer, come from? It means crab, […]

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