3049 Kingston Road, Scarborough ON M1M 1P1

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9:00am to 6:00pm
  Contact : 416.261.8181


Naturopathic visits are not currently covered by provincial OHIP, but are paid for by employer insurance plans. Fees are paid at the end of each visit, and you will be reimbursed by your work insurance after you submit them. Please consult your benefits package (if you have one) for detailed information on your personal health care coverage.

The insurance will cover only the cost of the visit; usually there is no coverage for supplements or other natural remedies.

The Clinic offers (only for Naturopathic Services) Direct Billing, meaning that we will submit your claim to your insurance company (on your behalf) and they will pay us directly, in this way eliminating the paperwork and saving you the valuable commodity called time. We use the platform eTelus HealthTelus eHealth; the insurance companies that have subscribed to this portal are so far: Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance; ClaimSecure; CINUP ; Cowan; Desjardins Insurance; Great-West Life (now Canada Life); First Canadian; GroupSource; GroupHEALTH ; Industrial Alliance; Johnson Inc. or Johnson Group Inc. ; Manulife Financial; Maximum Benefit or Johnston Group; Manion; Standard Life; Sun Life Financial. They cover more than 90% of this market. If you have insurance with any of these companies, we can do the electronic submission. We can now direct bill GREEN SHIELD CANADA (GSC)  as well.  Blue Cross  Blue Cross opened recently its online portal to naturopaths, so now we can do Direct Billing with them too.

Follow-Up visits – $100.00

Acupuncture session: $100.00

VITAMIN B12 INJECTIONS – $30.00 + hst

GLUTATHIONE inhalation – $50.00 + hst

Chinese Cupping – 30 min. – $90.00


Email Consultations

Email consultations are available for patients wanting to have a follow-up consult with Dr. Val but are unable to come in for an appointment. If you write Dr. Val an email that requires a medical response, it is considered a consultation and will be charged accordingly ($100.00).

Cancellation policy

If you are unable to keep an appointment, kindly give a minimum of 24 hours notice, otherwise we will have to charge you for your missed visit ($100.00). It’s a sign of respect shown to the doctor and to any patient that is unable to use that time because of your missed visit.

All fees must be paid at the time of your visit and are payable by cash, debit (Interac) or credit (Visa, MasterCard and American Express).



Medications and Supplements are NOT included in your consultation fee.  We provide a large amount of the medications Dr. Val recommends for your care at competitive prices. These may include vitamins, minerals, botanical medicines, homeopathic remedies, and traditional Chinese herbal medicines.

Labs are tax-deductible with CRA. Please save the invoice and give it to the person who does your taxes. Again, labs only.

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