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All Posts in Category: Health Basics

Alcohol and the Pancreas

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Each year, approximately 5.500 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in Canada and more than 4,800 will die from it (87%). The disease is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, and improved approaches to early detection and treatment are very important for doctors and researchers. […]

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Saccharomyces cerevisiae – the miraculous yeast

Ever wonder why bread rises or how beer gets its alcohol?  It’s because of this very important fungus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, more commonly known as baker’s yeast or brewer’s yeast.  I am sure you didn’t realize you were eating and drinking fungus!  It’s believed that the Ancient Egyptians discovered Saccharomyces cerevisiae and began using it in […]

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Uvula: the riddle in your mouth

What does your uvula do? The uvula is the little fleshy part that hangs down from the soft palate of your mouth, and one of its purposes is to stop food from going up your nose when you swallow. Just like a tiny, repulsive doggy door, it swings up and down, blocking the path to […]

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Mistletoe (in latin: Viscum album) grows in Europe, northwest Africa, and central Asia and Japan. It is called interchangeably Mistletoe or Viscum, or in other parts of the world Druid’s herb, Holy Wood or The Kissing Bush. Mistletoe is an evergreen displayed during the Christmas season and symbolic of the eventual rebirth of vegetation that […]

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What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that your body produces naturally. Your cells use CoQ10 for growth and maintenance. It is a fat-soluble substance which resembles a vitamin. It is present in every cell in our body (hence the other name of CoQ10 – Ubiquinone, from ubiquitous = present everywhere, omnipresent) and is highly concentrated […]

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The Mystery of the Itch

One might thing that is over the top and not so important but the science behind the itching was always flimsy. The medicine did not really know why we itch and what the neurological basis behind the mundane itch was. And it’s not over the top at all: chronic itch caused by dry skin, psoriasis, […]

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Spirulina is a blue-green algae that nutritionists are calling the superfood of the future. It is an easily produced, non-toxic species of Arthrospira bacteria. You probably never thought you would be adding algae powder from tropical lakes to your smoothies, but spirulina is becoming quite the popular addition for many health-conscious eaters. Even though this […]

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IV Nutrition Therapy

Intravenous (IV) Therapy is the quickest, safest way to administer vitamins, minerals and amino acids to enhance immune function, increase energy levels, and help manage a variety of chronic health problems. IV nutrients can be preventive by strengthening your body’s defenses as well as anti-aging by promoting great skin, hair, and nails to help you […]

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Stress vs Depression

Some stress, caused by regular life challenges, is unavoidable. And while feeling nervous about a date, a work presentation or frustrated by an overprotecting parent or an obnoxious boss is not fun, nobody would compare it to the challenge that is depression, a serious illness. Severe stress, however, is a different story. As anyone who […]

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Can a vitamin be a drug?

Sometimes patients are confused about this topic: aren’t the supplements (vitamin, minerals, fatty acids etc) drugs too? Don’t they “treat” diseases too? What’s the difference between them? Let’s start with the definition of a drug first. According to Health Canada, drugs include both prescription and non-prescription pharmaceuticals; biologically-derived products such as vaccines, blood derived products, […]

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