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All Posts in Category: Health Basics

The deadly FENTANYL

Fentanyl belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. It is used to treat chronic and severe pain. It binds to the nervous system proteins called opioid receptors, thereby blocking the transmission of pain signals to the […]

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Halloween background

Tips for a healthier Halloween

It is true that Halloween is a wonderful holiday and a ritual passed down through generations and many kids are sooooo eager to go out and Trick-or-Treat the neighbors. The concern for the healthy-conscious parents are the candy that the kids bring home in bags and hats. They are the nightmares of dentists too. It […]

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Memory loss, dementia

AMNESIA in the movies: myth or reality?

It seems that in Hollywood AMNESIA is a favorite topic for screenwriters because it brings about an easiness in the plot where the writers can turn people and events around and make the movie more interesting. The most memorable movies where AMNESIA played a big role are: Memento (2000), Total recall (1990), The Bourne series […]

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MITOSIS: the true miracle of life

Have you ever wondered what is the basic biological process that allows all living organisms to develop and grow, to replace worn-out cells and tissues, to (sometimes) regenerate body parts and even asexual reproduce? Enter MITOSIS, in my opinion, the true miracle of life. By formal definition, MITOSIS is a process that takes place in […]

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Marijuana vs Cigarettes: which one is more dangerous?

I am writing this article to answer a question an patient of mine asked me the other day; in fact many Canadians often wonders if marijuana is as dangerous as cigarettes. So, what do you believe, which one is worse? I will present to you the facts and let YOU decide. But let’s take it […]

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The Science behind the Grey Hair and Debunking its myths

I was always intrigued by why people turn grey hair at some point in their life.  What is the science behind this? And what is the truth behind the all the myths about grey hair? Let’s take it step by step. Scientists have long known that greying is the result of a gradual disappearance of […]

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Zika virus: the new menace?

Zika virus disease continues to make news all over the world. This is a mosquito-borne viral infection that primarily occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world (especially the Americas and the Pacific Islands). This is a map from Centre for Disease Control (CDC) of “All Countries & Territories with Active Zika Virus Transmission”: […]

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The All Mighty Testosterone

There is an interesting development in the world of sports and this is the case of the female South-African athlete Caster Semenya (age 25) who has been in the media and officials scrutiny for the past 7 years. She runs the 800 m in track and field and she is very fast at it, finishing […]

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What is Cupping and why the Rio Olympic athletes use it?

I don’t know if you are a sports fan or not, but I am and I wanted to say that I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the athletes competing in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games with mysterious purple, round blotches on their bodies, especially the back or the shoulders. It was very ostensible […]

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How many B vitamins are out there?

Have you ever wondered how many B vitamins there are? And what’s with all those numbers? I did and here is the answer. First of all, let’s start with the definition of a vitamin and a brief introduction to vitamins. Vitamins are organic components in food that are needed in very small amounts for growth […]

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