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All Posts in Category: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Licorice: a sweet tale

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza plants, usually the Glabra species) have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to a long time for various digestive and health problems, and as a general vitality promoting agent. People know Licorice mostly as a candy product, and is inherently a functional food rather than just a candy (as the oil containing the […]

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Astragalus: strength and longevity

Astragalus (latin name Astragalus membraneceus) also commonly known as Milk Vetch, is a plant native to Mongolia and northeast China and Tibet with remarkable properties and has been used by the Chinese as a tonic/adaptogen for more than 2000 years. The ancient understanding of Astragalus was that it strengthened the ‘Wei Chi” the defensive energy […]

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Cordyceps: the killer fungus!

Cordyceps sinensis is a very interesting medicinal mushroom that has been used for medicinal purposes in Asia for centuries. It is used mainly to restore lost energy and vigor and to stimulate a fatigued immune system acting like a general tonic for the body. In addition to the English term “caterpillar fungus” there are other […]

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Medicinal Mushrooms

Mushrooms are awesome and a fascinating life form! They belong neither to the plant nor animal kingdoms, and they actually share more DNA with animals that they do with plants. Adding to their strangeness, the largest organism ever discovered on the planet is a network of mushroom mycelium that weaves across a colossal 2,200 acres […]

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What is Cupping and why the Rio Olympic athletes use it?

I don’t know if you are a sports fan or not, but I am and I wanted to say that I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the athletes competing in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games with mysterious purple, round blotches on their bodies, especially the back or the shoulders. It was very ostensible […]

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