3049 Kingston Road, Scarborough ON M1M 1P1

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9:00am to 6:00pm
  Contact : 416.261.8181

Other Conditions

We are presenting here conditions that did not fit well with other categories presented previously and could be encountered in their practice by some naturopaths. They are based on our own clinical experience.

We were able to help some patients presenting with some of these conditions using plants, to modulate or strengthen the immune system, or nutraceuticals. Acupuncture is great for smoking cessation.

Also, certain labs tests from Rocky Mountain Analytical were very useful and were employed in diagnosing some of these conditions.


Ear infections are quite common and happen mostly to young children, because their tubes are smaller and get blocked more easily.

The middle ear is the small part of your ear behind your eardrum. It can get infected when germs from the nose and throat are trapped there. Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear.

Middle ear infections are (indirectly) mostly caused by bacteria and viruses.

Swelling from a cold or allergy can block the Eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ears to the throat. So air can’t reach the middle ear. This creates a vacuum and suction, which pulls fluid and germs from the nose and throat into the middle ear. The swollen tube prevents this fluid from draining. The fluid is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria or viruses to grow unhindered into an ear infection.

Inflammation and fluid buildup can occur without infection and cause a feeling of stuffiness in the ears. This is known as otitis media with effusion.

Symptoms of a middle ear infection (acute otitis media) often start 2 to 7 days after the start of a cold or other upper respiratory infection. Symptoms of an ear infection may include:

  • Ear pain (mild to severe). Babies often pull or tug at their ears when they have an earache.
  • Fever
  • Drainage from the ear that is thick and yellow or bloody. This means the eardrum has probably burst (ruptured). The hole in the eardrum often heals by itself in a few weeks.
  • Loss of appetite, vomiting, and grumpy behavior.
  • Trouble sleeping.


Allergies represent an abnormal response of the immune system. People who have allergies have an immune system that reacts to a usually harmless substance in the environment. This substance (pollen, mold, and animal dander, for example) is called an allergen.

Allergies are a very common problem, affecting at least two out of every 10 Canadians.

Common symptoms of an allergic reaction to inhaled or skin allergens include:

  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, runny nose
  • Rashes
  • Feeling tired or ill
  • Hives (a rash with raised red patches)

Most symptoms of an allergic reaction go away shortly after the exposure stops.

The most severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. In anaphylaxis, allergens cause a whole-body allergic reaction and becomes life-threatening requiring immediate medical attention. Symptoms can progress rapidly, so head for the emergency room if there’s any suspicion of anaphylaxis. Better safe than sorry. The symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction are:

  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Hives and itching all over (not just in the exposed area)
  • Hoarseness or tightness in the throat
  • Tingling in the hands, feet, lips, or scalp

There is a genetic inheritance to developing allergies. This tendency is not to any specific allergen, but to the condition itself. When one parent is allergic, their child has a 50% chance of having allergies. That risk jumps to 75% if both parents have allergies.


Metal hypersensitivity is a common immune disorder that can lead to various symptoms and conditions. Signs of metal hypersensitivity can present themselves under the form of rashes, hives and mouth ulcers but metal hypersensitivity can have systemic effects as well, affecting the whole body.

Allergic hyper-reactivities to nickel (Ni) and beryllium (Be) are the best studied human metal hypersensitivities. Ni-contact dermatitis affects 10 % of the human population, where Be compounds are the culprits of chronic Be disease (CBD) or berrylliosis, a rare but fatal disorder. Cross sensitivity reactions between metals are also common. Nickel and cobalt are, reportedly, the most frequently cross reactive.

Patients with metal hypersensitivity may have numerous symptoms associated with an activated immune system, including chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, cognitive impairment, depression, headaches and fibromyalgia.

Sensitizing metals can be found in jewelry, dental restorations and implants, cosmetics, metal joint prostheses, vascular stents, coins etc.

To diagnose this condition we employ a test called MELISA  from the reputable lab Rocky Mountain Analytical which will detect sensitivities to up to 22 metals.

Testing and subsequently removing the offending metals from the patient’s life can help people suffering from all sorts of auto-immune conditions.

The test is offered in 3 panels:

Panel 1: Dental (mercury and amalgam) – testing for 10 metals.

Panel 2: Orthopedic (implants) – testing for 10 metals.

Panel 3: Comprehensive (autoimmune, dental, fertility) – testing for 22 metals.


Also called ElectroSensitivity or Electromagnetic Filed Sensitivity, this misunderstood condition is a disability where people experience adverse health effects while in the vicinity of devices emanating electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields.  Their lives are miserable and they are in pain.

Symptoms normally diminish with distance from these sources but typically require considerable time to vanish after exposure.

A 2001 survey (394 people, men 43%, women 57%, average age 51) from Switzerland found that sufferers related their symptoms most frequently to mobile phone base stations (74%), followed by mobile phones (36%), cordless phones (29%), and power lines (27%).

The most common symptom is burning sensation in the area most affected. Other symptoms that people have reported are:

  • tingling or prickling sensation across the face or other parts of the body
  • extreme dryness of mucus membranes such as the back of the throat and eyes
  • swelling of the mucus membranes such as nose, throat, ears and sinuses without any infectious cause
  • problems with concentration, loss of memory and dizziness
  • sleep disturbances
  • a feeling of impending influenza (flu) that somehow never quite breaks out
  • headaches and nausea
  • teeth and jaw pains
  • aches and pains in muscles and joints
  • cardiac palpitations

The World Health Organization identifies and labels this collection of symptoms and triggers as ElectroHypersensitivity, often referred to as ElectroSensitivity. It is not recognized as a medical diagnosis. However, it is accepted as a functional impairment in Sweden and the Canadian Human Rights Commission recognizes it as an environmental sensitivity and classifies it as a disability.

The best test for this condition is (according to Dr. Brian Clement, ND) and also the most accurate is the Live Blood Cell Analysis used to test live blood under darkfield microscope.

A good account of what someone will experience while having this condition is offered in the Netflix serial “Better call Saul” by the character Charles “Chuck” McGill, the brother of the main character.


Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a problem with a baby’s chromosomes. Normally, a person has 46 chromosomes. But most people with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes. In rare cases, other chromosome problems cause Down syndrome. Having extra or abnormal chromosomes changes the way the brain and body develop.

Down syndrome is a set of physical and mental traits caused by a genetic issue that happens before birth. Children who have Down syndrome tend to have certain features, such as a flat face and a short neck. They also have some degree of intellectual disability. This varies from person to person. But in most cases it is mild to moderate.

Your risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is higher if:

  • You are older when you get pregnant. Many doctors believe that the risk increases for women age 35 and older.
  • You have a brother or sister who has Down syndrome.
  • You had another baby with Down syndrome.

Most children with Down syndrome will have these features too:

  • Distinctive facial features, such as a flat face, small ears, slanting eyes, and a small mouth.
  • A short neck and short arms and legs.
  • Low muscle tone and loose joints. Muscle tone usually improves by late childhood.
  • Below-average intelligence.

Many children with Down syndrome are also born with heart, intestine, ear, or breathing problems. These health conditions often lead to other problems, such as airway (respiratory) infections or hearing loss. This is where naturopathic medicine can help.


Intestinal parasites are micro-organisms that happily live in the intestines.  Some cause problems while others can live for long periods in the bowel without causing symptoms or requiring treatment.

Infection by intestinal parasitic worms is common throughout the world, affecting hundreds of millions of people.  Children are particularly susceptible and typically have the largest number of worms.  Three of the most common kinds of worms are roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), whipworm (Trichuris trichiura) and hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus).  These worms live in the intestines and their numbers build up through repeated infection.  It is possible to be infected with more than one kind of worm.

There are over 100 different types of parasites that can live in human hosts.  Since the world’s population is becoming more mobile, with Canadian tourists traveling to foreign countries where parasites are prevalent and immigrants moving to the Canada from these countries, parasitic infections are increasing.

There are four different groups of parasites: roundworms, single celled protozoa, tapeworms and flukes.

  1. Roundworms exist worldwide, especially in warmer climates. 25% of the world’s population may be infected with roundworms (which can reach the size of pencils) and include hookworms, whipworms, pinworms and trichinae.


  • Hookworms travel down the digestive tract where they attach to intestinal walls and ingest blood. The victim may experience nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, anemia and lethargy.
  • Whipworms are small, about 3 to 5 centimeters long, and infect the large intestine.
  • Pinworms are the most common roundworm in Canada and inhabit mostly crowded areas such as schools, day care centers and mental hospitals. They can be as contagious as the flu and usually infect several members of one family.
  • Trichinae are tiny roundworms found in the muscle of infected animals, usually pigs that cause trichinosis, a disease characterized by intestinal disorders, fever, muscular swelling, pain and insomnia. If you eat pork, be careful since even a small uncooked portion can lead to infection.  Always cook pork until it’s well done.


  1. Single celled protozoa saturate our environment and harm more people worldwide than any other parasite.  Protozoa form cysts, or a resting stage, where they become resistant to temperature extremes, chemicals and drying.  Humans can easily ingest these small cysts and many of us have been exposed.  Most common are Amoeba, Giardia and Plasmodium.


  1. Tapeworms are long and ribbon-like. Humans can ingest tapeworm larvae by eating raw or under cooked beef, pork and fish or from coming in contact with infected animals or contaminated grains.  Tapeworms live in our intestines and absorb nutrients through their skin.  People with tapeworm infections feel dizzy, toxic, have unclear thinking, high and low blood sugar levels, hunger pains, poor digestion and allergies.

Flukes are tiny flat worms that look like odd-shaped pancakes; they include blood flukes, fish flukes, intestinal flukes, liver flukes, lung flukes, lymph flukes and pancreatic flukes.  Humans can become infected by eating raw or under cooked seafood, eating infected vegetation like water chestnuts or watercress or drinking or wading in infected water.  Once inside the body, flukes migrate to various organs and may cause liver swelling, jaundice, weakened lungs and blood clots.


Quitting smoking is hard. This is an addiction. Some people who have quit say that it was the hardest thing they have ever done. But most smokers eventually are able to quit smoking. And you don’t have to do it alone. Ask your family, friends, and healthcare practitioners to help you.

There are a few steps to take before coming to our clinic to get help.

  • Get ready. Set a date to quit. Pick a time when you won’t have a lot of stress in your life. Think about cutting down on smoking before your quit date. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters, or spit cups before you quit. Talk to your spouse/partner or friends about helping you stay smoke-free. Don’t let people smoke in your house. Don’t get discouraged.
  • Change your routine. For example, if you smoke after eating, take a walk instead. If you smoke after having sex, eat some chocolate instead.
  • Get support – either online (QuitPal) or from a friend who quit smoking.

You may worry about gaining weight after you stop smoking. This is understandable. Many smokers do gain weight during their quit attempt. Smoking suppresses your appetite and when this is gone your appetite will rebound. In your plan to quit smoking, include eating healthy snacks and doing some physical activity to help you avoid weight gain during your quit. We will provide the details.

If you do gain weight, you can focus on losing it after you have successfully quit smoking. Be patient with yourself and try to tackle one challenge at a time. For your long-term health, it is way better to quit smoking than to gain an extra 10 pounds. These you can lose, but the damage to your lungs cannot be undone.

Our clinic offers a multi-faceted approach to Smoking Cessation. There is ACUPUNCTURE first and foremost. We follow the NADA protocol. In a typical NADA session, both ears of the patient are needled at the same time, usually for 30 minutes, in a quiet, relaxing, nurturing environment. Also, points on the body will be stimulated too.

Among the benefits reported by patients using this NADA protocol are: more energy; an improved sense of control; more optimistic attitudes about detoxification and recovery; reductions in cravings and anxiety; fewer episodes of sleep disturbance; and reduced need for pharmaceuticals.

Acupuncture really helps.

We will also prescribe traditionally-used PLANTS (botanicals) to reduce the cravings of nicotine and detoxify faster. NUTRACEUTICALS will be added to this cocktail to undo the deficiencies caused by prolonged smoking. We will also take a look at your DIET and provide you with a list of what snacks to eat when you have cravings and your appetite will go up to avoid gaining weight.

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