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All Posts Tagged: Herbal medicine


“Ashwagandha” is a medicinal herb commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, which originated in India. Its botanical name is Withania somnifera, and it is also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. Ashwagandha has also been called the king of Ayurvedic herbs and has been used in India for nearly 5,000 years. The name of […]

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Galen: 1,500 years of dominance of Medicine

If you study the history of medicine, it’s impossible not to be fascinated by the influence and authority of Galen and the length of his dominance in Medicine: more then 1,500 years! This is unprecedented, there is no other scholar that could compare with him. At least, not in Medicine. To come close to describing […]

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Heat intolerance

In the wintertime in Canada, people often dream of what they’ll do when it gets hot again. Some even travel for shorter or longer periods of time to warmer climates to wait out the cold weather . But as enjoyable as hot weather is, sometimes it can get a little too warm for our bodies […]

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Panax ginseng: the King of herbs

Also called Korean ginseng (or Asian ginseng), this truly wonderful plant has been used for hundreds of years in Asia and now the Western hemisphere is catching up and has started to use it widely. Korean ginseng is a perennial plant (a plant that lives more than two years) that grows in the mountains in […]

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The Four Sacred Native Herbs

Healing powers of plants and herbs is universal and across all continents, the only difference is that not all plants grow in one region. People usually utilize the plant or the herb that is abundant in their region. Many cultures and religions use sacred smoke made from the plant medicines. This is called smudging in […]

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Astragalus: strength and longevity

Astragalus (latin name Astragalus membraneceus) also commonly known as Milk Vetch, is a plant native to Mongolia and northeast China and Tibet with remarkable properties and has been used by the Chinese as a tonic/adaptogen for more than 2000 years. The ancient understanding of Astragalus was that it strengthened the ‘Wei Chi” the defensive energy […]

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Mistletoe (in latin: Viscum album) grows in Europe, northwest Africa, and central Asia and Japan. It is called interchangeably Mistletoe or Viscum, or in other parts of the world Druid’s herb, Holy Wood or The Kissing Bush. Mistletoe is an evergreen displayed during the Christmas season and symbolic of the eventual rebirth of vegetation that […]

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