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Astragalus: strength and longevity

Astragalus (latin name Astragalus membraneceus) also commonly known as Milk Vetch, is a plant native to Mongolia and northeast China and Tibet with remarkable properties and has been used by the Chinese as a tonic/adaptogen for more than 2000 years.

The ancient understanding of Astragalus was that it strengthened the ‘Wei Chi” the defensive energy of the body. We use a different language today when we talk about the immune system but we are still describing the same thing; Astragalus strengthens immunity and helps us fight disease. It is also one of the best herbs to fight stress and fatigue.

Astragalus (Milkvetch, Goat’s thorn)

As with most of the botanical plants, Astragalus is incredibly complex. It contains over 126 different components, primarily flavonoids, saponins, and polysaccharides as the main bioactive components but also contains sucrose, amino acids, and phenolic acids. The main bioactive compound in Astragalus membranaceus is astragaloside IV (a steroidal saponin), which can be supplemented by itself. The standard dose for astragaloside IV is 5-10 mg. The main part of the plant used is the root from 4-7 years old plants.

It should also be noted that Astragalus, like Ginseng, is a noticeably warming herb and have a sweet taste when administered as a beverage made from root powder. Good for our long winters!

Astragalus membranaceus and Angelica sinensis are highly synergistic, meaning they are more powerful when taken together. This combination is traditionally called Dang-gui buxue tang.

Astragalus combines perfectly with Echinacea spp to strengthen the immune system, with Panax Ginseng and Licorice to build vitality and with Withania root to build the nervous system and healthy blood.

But what does the SCEINCE say about Astragalus?

There is hundreds of research studies done of Astragalus because, in recent years, it has received a great deal of scientific attention. The following is a summary.

  • Promotes Longevity, Reverses Aging and Enhances DNA Repair

Certain compounds in Astragalus root have measurable telomerase-stimulating and enhancing effects, which have been linked to increased longevity, anti-aging and DNA repair. Telomerase is a special kind of protein that repairs damaged DNA sequences in our cells.

  • Boosts Immunity and Helps to Fight Bacteria and Viruses

Human studies have shown that regular use of Astragalus root leads to an increase in disease-fighting immune antibodies, stimulation of T-cells (which are powerful immune-regulating white blood cells) and an increase in levels of the anti-viral compound interferon.

  • Reduces Stress and Promotes Organic Energy and Vitality

Astragalus belongs to a special class of herbs known as ADAPTOGENS, which have unique effects that work to bring the body and mind into greater balance, depending on what is needed. For example, if someone is stressed out and anxious, they will likely find Astragalus benefits to be centering and calming whereas if they are depleted and fatigued, the plant will tend to have more uplifting, rejuvenating and energizing properties.

  • Supports the Health of the Heart, Lungs and Blood

Astragalus is one of the rare herbs that has beneficial effects on issues related to breathing like asthma allergies, shallow breathing and respiratory illnesses and infections. Over time it tends to clear congestion and improve fullness of breath. It has been shown in various studies to help prevent the hardening of arteries and the buildup of plaque, reduce elevated blood pressure and improve overall heart function. Astragalus root is also said to be a supreme blood tonic, meaning that it has beneficial effects on the hematological systems of the body.

  • Reduces Inflammation and Improves Skin Health and Elasticity

Astragalus’s beneficial skin effects are also partially related to its ability to reduce inflammation in the body in a number of ways. Various studies have shown that it lowers the inflammatory effects that histamines have in the body by modulating inflammatory markers in the digestive tract, the kidneys and other important body systems.

  • Psycho-spiritual Effects: Deeply Rejuvenating Qi and Life Force Tonic

In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Daoist philosophy, Astragalus root is considered to be one of the most powerful Qi tonics on the planet, meaning that it works to restore, cultivate and supply Qi energy in the body, mind and spirit. Qi loosely translates to life-force energy, which is a form of subtle energy on which the body and its energy bodies run. Qi can be depleted in a number of ways through poor diet and lifestyle habits, chronic stress, lack of deep breathing, lack of proper sleep, lack of exercise, overexertion, sexual overindulgence and exposure to chemicals and toxins, among other things.

Astragalus root


Astragalus is an extremely safe herb, able to be taken in high doses without fear of adverse reactions and entirely suitable for young and old as well as in pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The best way to summarize Astragalus would be to say it is a tonic, meaning it nourishes and supports the body in its own self-healing processes. This is no small thing in chronic illness where our ability to self-repair has fallen short of being able to get us back to balance.

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